Monday, February 7, 2011


It was a grand place. Everything seemed to be amiable and transparent, including the tangible building.The walls proudly declared its inmates, standing tall, eagerly erect. Lights flickered at each and every corner, throwing with them bits of information.The inmates lived in an oblivion of those flickering lights, yet moving back and forth about them. Each 'worker' possessed a space of their own, embracing, smiling, reminding them of a warm surrounding.They were comfortable in their own shells, working, nodding, fingers moving at their best speeds, eyes pacing about the angle of vision.They were alert, aware and absorbed. Each building was enclosed in glass walls, drawing a sort of partition among them. One could sense the sensual serenity in the air. Eyes could see the colorful keyboards and the black and grey screens, the ears could hear the hasty typing, the nose could smell the mellifluously intermingled perfumes coming from different people, the mouth waiting for a laugh or a conversation and the skin growing hot and cold against different temperatures. People were accepting of each other's presence, yet indifferent. The relationships that existed were severely and loyally performed...a boss and an lift man and a guard...a caretaker and a pantry boy...a computer and a keyboard. Every now and then, one could see a new person walking towards the door and away from it, coming and existing. There was a loud silence around. A stagnant motion.

Friday, February 4, 2011

An Ugly Beauty

I see her walk by the flower bed,
People staring at her with disgust and ignorance,
she was supposed to be ugly and unpleasant,
but she seemed to have her own world of beauty and love..

She smiled at the flowers and laughed at the birds,
the twinkle in her eye never cared for the onlooker's words,
Her happiness was what shined on her face,
However, no one ever could like her, for she was ugly to one's gaze.

She had a lot to hear from the world around her,
but the world never heard her,
what was her fault if she was made this way,
beauty lied inside her, but no one accepted her, the truth being this.

Her shadow cried for love, her reflection desired for an embrace,
she wanted some light to shine on her, but there was nothing she wanted to chase,
she had a lot of love to give, but no one to love her,
Her beauty was always placed before, she could never be 'two'gether.

One day I realized My love for her,
She was beautiful to me, like an angel could be.
To the world her eyes may seem dull and dark,
but every time I look at her, I see an instant spark.

A spark of love, joy, hope and happiness,
There was nothing more she wanted from me, and nothing less,
her eyes were the reflection of the world,
a residence of both twinkle and tears, dependence, compares and fears,
her eyes were pearls with shimmering lights,
her hair the color of numerous nights..

Her nose reminds the world of a falcon's beak,
curved till the end but oh so neat,
her lips maybe chapped and dry and weak,
but I think they just need some caress and treat.

Her ears are small but enough to hear me,
her cheeks shallow, but the smile was so deep.
her jaw reminds me of the mismatch we share,
but wait..opposites attract...that's all about what I care..

Her necks no longer slender and toned,
Its might be like a swan with huge collar bones,
But look, what a look it gives,
when there hangs the pendant with our pics.
It gives a support to the satisfaction we count upon,
which exists in our heart from dusk till dawn,
It will be there till the end of time,
from the day we were reborn in love, till the day we go mime.

Her arms are heavy,
but her hug is lovely,
Her arms are the periphery of my problems,
inside them I feel like an entirely new human.

Her fingers seem hard and grey,
but when our fingers entangle, they remind me of a relationship that will stay,
Her feminism is contradictory to the word,
But I am in love with her soul and her world.

Her legs are two barks standing apart,
but when they run towards me, they make me the destination of where they start,
Her words spread a scent around when she speaks,
They attract me to her mind and the secrets they keep.

The most beautiful part of her is her heart,
Every beat promises me that we would never ever part.